
鄱阳湖畔鹤舞 © Teng TANG


13 December 2021, China --- Sateri and Conservation International today announced their partnership on the wetland conservation of Poyang Lake, China’s largest freshwater lake. This initiative aims to improve the ecosystem’s health, restore biodiversity and provide sustainable livelihoods to local people.

白鹤一家与江豚的合影 © Olivier LANGRAND


Located in Jiangxi Province, in the southeastern part of the country, Poyang Lake plays a critical role in regulating floods in the Yangtze River, and is a vital ecosystem for the environment, culture, and economy.  The lake supports the livelihoods of more than 45 million people living in the province, and contributes more than 15% of the Yangtze River’s annual runoff. It is also a wetland of national and global importance — providing a habitat for flora and fauna of high conservation value, including the critically endangered Siberian crane and finless porpoise.

护鸟员在观察湖面候鸟 © CI / Qing YI


The five-year partnership, which began in 2019, evaluates the health of Poyang Lake and develops strategies for managing and protecting it, while also supporting communities to live in harmony with nature. To guide this work, a preliminary assessment of the Poyang Lake was conducted using Conservation International’s Freshwater Health Index. This scientific tool analyzes the health of the freshwater ecosystem, and measures human uses, needs and impacts providing decisionmakers with clear, scientific guidance on how best to sustainably manage these wetlands.

鄱阳湖候鸟 © Yifei JIA

保护国际基金会亚太地区高级副总裁Richard Jeo表示:“水安全和生物多样性损失是人类和环境面临的两个最为紧迫的挑战。我们与江西省林业局和赛得利在鄱阳湖项目上的战略合作伙伴关系,展示了政府、企业和社区如何通力合作,以保护水资源和生物多样性。我们要应对这些挑战,并找到同时造福人类和自然的解决之道,还有很长的路要走。”

Richard Jeo, Conservation International’s Asia-Pacific Field Division Senior Vice President, said, “Water security and biodiversity loss are two of the most pressing challenges facing humanity and the environment. Our strategic partnership with Jiangxi Provincial Forestry Bureau and Sateri at the Poyang Lake, China’s largest freshwater Lake, demonstrates how government, corporate and communities can work together on conservation, and will go a long way towards addressing these challenges, and finding solutions that benefit both people and nature.”

蓼子草花海中的灰鹤 © Fan YANG


Allen Zhang, President of Sateri, said, “The protection of biodiversity and the sustainable use of resources in production must go hand-in-hand. The Poyang Lake initiative is a good example of how manufacturers can support nature-based solutions in parallel with community development. It also aligns with our Vision 2030 aspiration to be net-positive, giving more than we take.”

小天鹅与鸿雁 © Fan YANG

该项目还致力于提高都昌候鸟自然保护区管理水平,推动鄱阳湖自然保护地网络建设及能力提升,以保护重要的湿地生态系统。这同样支持了联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs),也与最近联合国生物多样性大会(CBD COP 15)上中国做出的承诺相一致。

This project also supports the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and China’s commitment at the recent UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP 15) by improving protection and management of the Duchang Nature Reserve and Poyang Protected Areas Network for these important wetlands.

保护区能力建设  © CI / Qing YI


保护国际基金会(Conservation International)成立于1987年,总部位于美国阿灵顿,与全球2,000多个合作伙伴建立了合作关系。30多年来,我们通过开展科学研究及政策倡导等方法与政府、社区和企业合作,帮助并支持了77个国家的1,200多个自然保护地及保护项目,保护了超过6.01亿公顷的土地、海洋和沿海地区。我们一直以来的使命是:为人类的福祉持久保护自然。2002年,保护国际开始在中国开展自然保护工作, 目前在北京设代表处,同时在成都、南昌、广州设有野外项目团队。我们秉承科学,注重与各级政府、企业、科研院校以及社区开展合作,在生物多样性热点地区实施具有示范意义的项目,同时致力于推动政策倡导和“一带一路”沿线国家的可持续发展。




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媒体联系人 / Media Contact


Emmeline Johansen 



Lansing Li
